Thursday, January 16, 2014


Yesterday  we had a faculty meeting after school,
That is not such an attention grabber,
but anyway...
We discussed how certain teachers are doing a terrific job, and it is because they are getting the students to think, and really monitor their thinking before they speak.
I didn't feel like my students were struggling with this, or weren't understanding concepts (save for except my most favorite little friend!)
But, you know how you always learn that something is not right when you go to these "things"?
Well, I have been racking my poor little brain, and I can't think of a quick, fairly easy to teach, activity that would serve to get them to think, draw conclusions, infer, etc...
I already teach these as reading skills, but apparently it is not transferring into all areas (re: onto the tests in third grade.)
So, I am posting hoping someone out there will reply or comment or do their own post on their thinking skill ideas. It would be greatly appreciated.
So, how has your week been?
Teach Happy,

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