Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Am I Even Still Alive? Allowed to Use this Blog?

It's been a MINute since I posted.
I really hate outside obligations when I'm teaching subjects that strain me, and most do. So blogger took a major backseat. But since I last wrote, I have moved from 2nd grade reading to 3rd grade math, spent 3 years there and that was WAY enough...
I hate tested grade levels, I mean, not the age or demeanor of the kids, but to have the school's rep rest on your shoulders and to have every grade and comment scrutinized to make sure that what you say, is TRUly true about that student, because you must know KNOW their potential to pass or fail way in advance of the BIG ole' test, I mean, it was enough...
Sooooooo, I took ye old Fine Arts Certification test and passed (whoooo, by the seat of my pantays!) and asked for the Music/Art position that was available at my school.
MUUUuuuuuuuch better.
I mean, its still a lot of work, mostly behaviorally, but the "grade and assess like its an obsession" days are over.
I just have to say, my belief in the education system, has reeeeeeaally faltered. I had to grade sOOper accurately, like "how dare she make a B on that assignment, but fail the assessment?!?"
Uhh, I 'ont know? Maybe kids have test anxiety, (where on EARTH would that come from?)
Or maybe I accommodated the H E double hockey sticks out of her in class but she still has to test mostly alone.
Or maybe you won't let me fail her assignments to avoid dealing with her crAAzy momma.
Geez, there's only 500 reasons...
Also, those kids who worked their a$$es off er'day but still couldn't read or do math...
Oh no, no sped help for them, no dyslexia help for them. They just got the short end of the IQ stick and are performing "the best they can." They just had a bad home life for a year so that's why nothing stuck for the other 3 years they were in school...
GRRRRRR, don't EVEN get me started...
I mean, I get myself started, but whatev.
I am WAAAAY happy to be teaching students appreciation and skills in Music and Art, and I feel so much better knowing that even a really struggling child can achieve in my room now.
Now, I just have to figure a way to make things run smoothly when there are 42 little darlings in my room at a time... Oh well, that's another topic!
Happy Teaching!

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