Saturday, March 23, 2013

OK, so I know I posted once today already...
being a blog stalker and constantly on the lookout for activities for my classroom, I stumbled onto a blog hop called the Hippity Blog Hop for Easter and there is menagerie of activities to be had for this short week that's coming up...
You should definately check it out!
Happy Easter!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Hobos and Tramps (ahem, I got that from *somewhere*, she knows who she is!),
NE wayz
Allow me to present, my first unit pack!
Now located at your friendly TPT store,
I have finally finished something
didn't know I had it in me,
still don't ( on another note)
If you purchase, THANK YOU, and BLESS YOUR HEART!
(why is that in all caps!?!)
Comment if you have any suggestions or find any mistakes, I would appreciate it!
Speaking of suggestions, may I suggest picking up the freebie first, then seeing if you like it.
The link is below,
I think,
still not sure if everything I want to work, actually works?
NE wayz again...
Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hey all..
I met another goal! Yay! I managed to post pics of my classroom to pinterest. I wanted to be able to match other decor to my room by simply scrolling to look at my pics, and also to show my lovely Dr. You Know Who stuff, some of which was made by my grandmother. Love all things Dr. You Know Who! Here are the pics I posted...
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Some are awesome pics, some don't do it justice, but maybe it will inspire someone or give someone a few ideas on decorations. Anywho, have a great Monday!
P.S. Have you ever had a parent get upset with student work that is posted? Just an afterthought! Comment or reply and I'll get back to ya!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Well, it has been waaaay too long since I last posted. I did make a goal for myself  for spring break which was to get my big, ole' butt in gear and create something for TPT (teachers pay teachers). I managed to make the freebie...
Bunnies Start Your Engines
but I have not finished the pack. I used Scrappin' Doodles clip art, which is way cute, and fairly cheap, and also some free clip art from Microsoft word and the internet. Mostly Scrappin' Doodles though, and as soon as I figure out how to link their site to mine, I'll do it!
I am hoping some experienced bloggers will read this, because I needs me some help!
I cannot figure out how to make a TPT button and place it on my page and hopefully the above picture works, but I am crossin' my fingers!
My other goal was to take pics of my room and post them on pinterest, weeeeelll, its Sunday, so I guess I'm not tooooooo late yet,
Take care everyone,
P.S. How do ya'll make those cute signatures?